
Megan Rapinoe Lia Thomas
Featured Hollywood Satire

Breaking: Lia Thomas Jumps to Megan Rapinoe’s Defense

In the wake of the United States Women’s Soccer Team’s devastating World Cup elimination, an unexpected champion has emerged to rally behind soccer icon Megan Rapinoe. Lia Thomas, the renowned transgender swimmer who has recently been making waves in her own right, has come forth to lend her support to Rapinoe, creating an alliance that’s […]

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Christian Man Pride Event
Featured Hollywood

Shocking: Christian American Arrested For Reading Bible At A ‘Pride’ Event

Damon Atkins, a devout Christian, was detained this past weekend during a ‘Pride‘ celebration in Reading, Pennsylvania. His arrest came after he publicly read from the Bible, sparking a complex controversy around the boundaries of First Amendment rights. The incident took place on the periphery of the Pride event, where Atkins had stationed himself. He […]

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