Anthem Protest

Mike Tomlin Benches Players For Kneeling
Featured Hollywood Satire

Just in: Steelers’ Coach Mike Tomlin Fires 2 Anthem Kneelers On The Spot

In a bold and decisive move that sent shockwaves through the NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin took a firm stance against players kneeling during the national anthem. During a high-tension game against the Baltimore Ravens, Coach Tomlin benched two players, Stephon Tuitt and Jason McAllister, on the spot for their act of kneeling […]

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Travis Kelce Fined for kneeling
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Travis Kelce Fined $1 Million For Anthem Kneeling

The resonating sound of the national anthem traditionally unites spectators and players alike in a shared moment of national pride. However, on what was supposed to be a day of celebration for Kansas City Chiefs’ star tight end Travis Kelce, a gesture of silent protest managed to grip the entire stadium in a moment that […]

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