Anthem Protests

Steelers Pitssburg Mike Tomlin Kneel
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Steelers’ Head Coach Tomlin Immediately Sidelines Two Players for Anthem Kneeling

In an extraordinary and controversial move, Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach Mike Tomlin benched two players during a recent game for kneeling during the national anthem. This decision has sparked a renewed debate around patriotism, freedom of expression, and the role of sports figures in social and political movements. The incident unfolded swiftly as the first […]

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Megan Rapinoe Retirement
Featured Hollywood Satire

Megan Rapinoe’s ‘Unforgivable’ Act Spurs US Team’s Decision: ‘Consider Early Retirement’

In an outlandish turn of events that has left the world both baffled and tickled, American soccer sensation Megan Rapinoe was shockingly benched by the US national team for what they’ve christened as an “unforgivable” behavior. The heinous act? Hold your breath – she didn’t sing the national anthem. The tragedy of it all, it […]

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