Corporate Activism

Truckers Co Denzel Washington

Breaking: Denzel Washington Refuses To Endorse Truckers Supply Co For $200 Million, “Not Even For $200 Billion For A Woke Company”

In a move that has sent ripples through both Hollywood and the corporate world, acclaimed actor Denzel Washington has reportedly refused a $200 million endorsement deal from Truckers Supply Co, citing the company’s shift towards a “woke” corporate culture as his primary reason for rejecting the lucrative offer. Washington’s blunt refusal, underscored by his assertion […]

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Sylvester Stallone Nike Offers

“Not Saving Your Woke Brand”: Sylvester Stallone Declines NIKE’s $6 Million Offer

In a bold and surprising move, Hollywood icon Sylvester Stallone has turned down a lucrative $6 million deal with sports apparel giant Nike. The star, known for his roles in blockbuster franchises like “Rocky” and “Rambo,” made headlines with his candid statement, “I’m not saving your ‘woke’ brand,” signaling a strong stance against what he […]

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