Film Production

Elon Musk And CBS Non-Woke Studio

Breaking: Elon Musk Signs a $1.8 Billion Deal With CBS for a Non-Woke Movie Production Studio

In a move that has sent ripples through Hollywood and Silicon Valley alike, Elon Musk has partnered with CBS to launch a $1.8 billion film production studio focused on creating what they are calling “non-woke” content. This unexpected collaboration between the tech mogul and the legacy media powerhouse aims to reshape the entertainment landscape by […]

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Elon Musk Mark Wahlberg Mel Gibson

Breaking: Elon Musk Invests $1 Billion in Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg’s New Un-Woke Production Studio

In a surprising turn of events, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has announced a substantial investment of $1 billion in a new film production venture led by Hollywood icons Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg. The studio, known for its commitment to traditional values and non-woke content, has garnered significant attention following Musk’s endorsement, signaling a potential […]

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Alyssa and Production Studios

Breaking: Alyssa Milano’s New Woke Production Company Loses Almost $500 Million, “Nobody Likes Woke, I Might Have To Close It”

In a surprising turn of events, actress and activist Alyssa Milano has encountered significant financial losses with her newly established woke production company. The venture, aimed at producing socially conscious content, appears to have failed to resonate with audiences and investors alike, resulting in substantial financial ramifications. Milano, known for her vocal advocacy on various […]

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Paramount Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson

Breaking: Paramount Awards $1 Billion Project to Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson’s Non-Woke Production Studio

In a groundbreaking move that has Hollywood buzzing with anticipation, Paramount Pictures has entrusted a monumental $1 billion project to the newly formed non-woke production studio helmed by industry veterans Mark Wahlberg and Mel Gibson. This strategic partnership heralds a significant shift in the entertainment landscape, promising to deliver compelling content that resonates with audiences […]

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Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg

Breaking: Mark Wahlberg And Mel Gibson Invest $500 Million For Industry’s First Production Studio Focused On Traditional Values

In a bold move shaking up Hollywood, veteran actors Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg have teamed up to launch a new film production studio dedicated to preserving traditional storytelling and avoiding the pitfalls of woke culture. The announcement comes as a breath of fresh air for many in the industry who have grown weary of […]

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