free expression

Academy Awards Tom Hanks Ban

Breaking: The Academy Awards Bans Tom Hanks for Life, “He’s Extremely Creepy And Woke”

In a shocking turn of events, the Academy Awards has made headlines by banning beloved actor Tom Hanks from all future ceremonies, citing allegations of being “extremely creepy and woke.” The announcement sent shockwaves through Hollywood and left fans around the globe bewildered and divided. As one of the most revered figures in the entertainment […]

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NFL Refree Kneeling
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: NFL Referees Eject 3 Players For Kneeling During National Anthem

The NFL has seen its fair share of controversies , debates, and transformative moments throughout the years. However, the recent action taken by referees to eject three NFL players for kneeling during the National Anthem has reignited a fervent debate and drawn attention from fans, players, and pundits alike. It was during a highly-anticipated Sunday afternoon […]

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Coach Belichick Suspended
Featured Hollywood Satire

“You’re Not an Activist”: Coach Belichick Benches Team Captain for Anthem Kneeling

In the robust and often politically charged arena of professional football, Coach Bill Belichick has long been regarded as a stalwart of tactical ingenuity and stringent leadership. His recent decision to suspend the New England Patriots’ team captain for kneeling during the national anthem, coupled with a stark message – “You’re not an activist” – […]

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Jets Head Coach Kneeler
Featured Hollywood Satire

‘Not On My Field’: Coach Belichick Just Suspended A ‘Rookie’ Anthem Kneeler

In the high-stakes world of the National Football League (NFL), where every touchdown is cheered and every fumble scrutinized, coaches are the guardians of team discipline. No one personifies this dedication to discipline better than the enigmatic Bill Belichick, the head coach of the New England Patriots. Known for his no-nonsense approach to the game, […]

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