Hulk Hogan

Kid rock and Hulk Hogan Concert

Breaking: Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan Collaborate For A “Freedom Forever Tour”

In a move that’s got everyone from Nashville to Hulkamania running wild, A joint tour has been announced by Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan and it’s called the “Freedom Forever Tour.” Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan have announced a joint tour that’s being billed as the “Freedom Forever Tour.” Because what is more American than […]

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Hulk Hogan Samsung

Breaking: Hulk Hogan Lands a $500 Million Deal With Samsung After RNC Speech

Only in America, could we have such a twist that Hulk Hogan, the legend of wrestling has just signed a $500 million contract with Samsung for his bombastic speech during the RNC. Yes, it’s true, the Hulkster is back and not just to do leg drops but to strike giant business deals. It was really […]

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