
Featured Hollywood Satire

BREAKING: Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem

In what can only be described as the most “2023” move ever, Pittsburgh Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin apparently made good on his earlier threats. Shortly after two of his players knelt during the national anthem, they were handed their walking papers. But in a whimsical twist, rumors abound that he’s considering two llamas as their […]

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NFL Coach Tamlin

NFL Mediator Supports Coach Tomlin’s Decision to Bench or Fire Players Who Kneel During National Anthem

In a stunning turn of events, the NFL’s mediator has come out in support of Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin’s decision to bench or even fire players who kneel during the national anthem. The decision, which has sparked outrage among players and fans alike, comes after months of heated debate over whether kneeling during […]

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John Elway Kneeling

John Elway Takes a Firm Stand: ‘Kneeling on My Field Will Result in Immediate Termination’

In a stunning announcement today, Denver Broncos General Manager and Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway declared that any player who kneels during the national anthem on his field will be immediately fired. “Listen, I understand the importance of free speech,” Elway began at a press conference. “But when it comes to disrespecting our country […]

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