Just in: Steelers’ Coach Mike Tomlin Fires 2 Anthem Kneelers On The Spot
- Alex Robin
- October 26, 2023
In a bold and decisive move that sent shockwaves through the NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin took a firm stance against players kneeling during the national anthem. During a high-tension game against the Baltimore Ravens, Coach Tomlin benched two players, Stephon Tuitt and Jason McAllister, on the spot for their act of kneeling […]
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TRUE: Steelers’ Head Coach Tomlin Immediately Sidelines Two Players for Anthem Kneeling
- Alex Robin
- October 25, 2023
In an extraordinary and controversial move, Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach Mike Tomlin benched two players during a recent game for kneeling during the national anthem. This decision has sparked a renewed debate around patriotism, freedom of expression, and the role of sports figures in social and political movements. The incident unfolded swiftly as the first […]
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Mike Tomlin Draws the Line: ‘Anthem Kneelers “Hate America” and Will Face Immediate Termination
- Alex Robin
- September 9, 2023
In an unexpected pivot from the typical post-practice chatter, Pittsburgh Steelers’ seasoned head coach, Mike Tomlin, laid down a decree that has taken the football universe by storm. During a routine press conference, Tomlin dramatically shifted the conversation by declaring that players who opt to kneel during the national anthem are essentially expressing a “hatred […]
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BREAKING: Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem
- Alex Robin
- September 6, 2023
In what can only be described as the most “2023” move ever, Pittsburgh Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin apparently made good on his earlier threats. Shortly after two of his players knelt during the national anthem, they were handed their walking papers. But in a whimsical twist, rumors abound that he’s considering two llamas as their […]
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TRUE: Mike Tomlin Warns He Will Fire Players Who Kneel During National Anthem
- Alex Robin
- August 27, 2023
In the heartland of American football, few topics have ignited as much passion and debate as the act of kneeling during the national anthem. The discussion took a new turn when Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach, Mike Tomlin, announced that he might terminate players who kneel during the anthem. This bold statement has rippled through the […]
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