Player Rights

Harrison Butker And Coach Tomlin

Breaking: Coach Tomlin Vows to Leave NFL If Harrison Butker is Fired, “He’s Like A Son To Me”

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, Mike Tomlin, the esteemed head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, has made a bold declaration that could shake the foundations of the NFL. Amidst the swirling controversy surrounding Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, Tomlin has stated unequivocally that he would resign from his position if the league decides […]

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Dallas Cowboys Kneeling Fined
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Dallas Cowboys Coach McCarthy Levies $3 Million in Fines Against Players for Anthem Kneeling

In an unprecedented move that’s sending shockwaves through the NFL, Dallas Cowboys’ head coach Mike McCarthy has imposed hefty fines of $3 million each on several of his top players for kneeling during the national anthem. This action marks a significant and controversial stance in the ongoing debate over freedom of expression and patriotism within […]

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NFL Refree Kneeling
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: NFL Referees Eject 3 Players For Kneeling During National Anthem

The NFL has seen its fair share of controversies , debates, and transformative moments throughout the years. However, the recent action taken by referees to eject three NFL players for kneeling during the National Anthem has reignited a fervent debate and drawn attention from fans, players, and pundits alike. It was during a highly-anticipated Sunday afternoon […]

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Steelers Kneel
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Mike Tomlin Warns He Will Fire Players Who Kneel During National Anthem

In the heartland of American football, few topics have ignited as much passion and debate as the act of kneeling during the national anthem. The discussion took a new turn when Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach, Mike Tomlin, announced that he might terminate players who kneel during the anthem. This bold statement has rippled through the […]

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