restaurant controversy

Robert and Ramsay

Breaking: Gordon Ramsay Refuses To Seat Robert De Niro, “He’s A Woke Jackass”

In an unexpected clash of celebrity worlds, renowned chef Gordon Ramsay has allegedly refused to seat legendary actor Robert De Niro at one of his upscale restaurants, reportedly calling him a “woke jackass.” This incident has sparked widespread debate and added another chapter to the ongoing discourse on celebrity opinions and social issues. The incident […]

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Beyonce and Gordon Ramsay

Breaking: Gordon Ramsay Throws Beyoncé Out Of His Restaurant, “Didn’t Like Your So-Called Country Album”

Gordon Ramsay, known for his unrelenting standards and fiery demeanor, is no stranger to controversy. But this time, it’s not just his words but his actions that have people talking. In a stunning turn of events, the British chef reportedly asked superstar Beyoncé to leave his restaurant, criticizing her latest musical project—a country album—as a […]

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Gordon Ramsay Lia Thomas

Breaking: Gordon Ramsay Throws Lia Thomas Out Of His Restaurant, “No Place For You Here”

In a world that’s constantly cooking up controversies, celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has supposedly added his own spice to the mix. In what can only be described as a culinary clash of titans, Ramsay, known for his fiery temperament and choice language, reportedly showed Lia Thomas, the famous trans swimmer, the exit door of his […]

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Guy Whoopis Goldberg Boos

Breaking: Whoopi Goldberg Booed Off Loudly At Guy Fieri’s Restaurant, Gets Kicked Off Immediately

In a surprising turn of events, Whoopi Goldberg, renowned co-host of “The View,” faced a public uproar during a recent visit to celebrity chef Guy Fieri’s restaurant. The incident unfolded as Goldberg encountered loud boos from diners, ultimately resulting in her immediate removal from the establishment. Guy Fieri’s restaurants are known for their lively atmosphere, […]

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