Day: May 29, 2023

Miller Lite Woke
Featured Hollywood

Following Bud Light and Coors Light: Miller Lite’s Provocative ‘Woke’ Ad Campaign Sparks Debate

As social consciousness becomes a trending topic, many brands are keen to showcase their commitment to progressive values. The latest to join the fray is Miller Lite with its controversial ‘woke’ ad campaign. This move follows in the footsteps of Bud Light and Coors Light, who have both experienced significant backlash following their attempts to […]

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Elon Musk Bud Light 800 million
Featured Hollywood Satire

Just in: Elon Musk Inflicts a $800 Million Blow to Budweiser

In what could be a new chapter in ‘The Eccentric Adventures of Elon Musk,’ our flamboyant billionaire has added a new feat to his resume – costing Budweiser $800 million, all thanks to a tweet. Yes, you read it right! Musk, in his new role as Twitter CEO, has once again proved that he doesn’t […]

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Renowned Stanford Professor Claim Aliens Have Been Among Us for Centuries!

In a captivating display at the SALT iConnections conference in New York City, Dr. Garry Nolan, a distinguished professor of pathology at Stanford University, made some intriguing statements as a respected ufologist. With utmost confidence, he declared that not only have extraterrestrial beings paid visits to our planet, but they have actually been here for […]

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Bud Light 50% Off Discount
Featured Hollywood

Anheuser-Busch CEO Makes Urgent Plea to Red State Drinkers: ‘Please Buy Our Beer Again’

In the aftermath of the Bud Light fiasco that left Anheuser-Busch reeling, the CEO of the brewing giant is making a desperate appeal to red state drinkers to once again embrace their brand. The fallout from a controversial marketing campaign featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney on a commemorative Bud Light can has caused a significant […]

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Target Lost 10 Billion

Just in: Target Loses $10 Billion In 10 Days Due To “Wokeness”

In a staggering turn of events, Minneapolis-based retail titan, Target, has experienced an astonishing loss of $10 billion in market value within just ten days. The sharp downturn comes as a direct result of the company’s attempt to champion what some critics label as ‘wokeness’, a term commonly used to describe heightened awareness of social […]

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