Day: September 6, 2023

Featured Hollywood Satire

BREAKING: Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem

In what can only be described as the most “2023” move ever, Pittsburgh Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin apparently made good on his earlier threats. Shortly after two of his players knelt during the national anthem, they were handed their walking papers. But in a whimsical twist, rumors abound that he’s considering two llamas as their […]

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Gordon The View Ban
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Gordon Ramsay Goes Nuclear, Vows To Get ‘The View’ Cancelled

Ah, British chef extraordinaire and sometimes fire-breathing dragon Gordon Ramsay, known for his outbursts on Hell’s Kitchen and critiques on MasterChef. But who knew that his newest mission wouldn’t involve food, but instead be an attempt to toss “The View” into the proverbial trash bin? Apparently, the iconic TV chef has grown weary of undercooked […]

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