corporate wokeness

Bud Light Kid Rock Endorsement

Breaking: Kid Rock Turns Down $200 Million Bud Light Endorsement, “It’s Woke Crap”

In an era where brand endorsements are often seen as a lucrative and almost obligatory rite of passage for celebrities, Kid Rock’s recent decision to turn down a staggering $200 million endorsement deal with Bud Light stands out as a bold statement. Known for his brash and unapologetic persona, the American singer-songwriter and record producer […]

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We're Woke Dylan
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Anheuser-Busch CEO Publicly Admits ‘Yes, We’re Woke’

In a turn of events that left many jaws on the floor and beer cans left half-empty, Anheuser-Busch’s CEO, Maxwell Hoptastic, stunned the world by openly admitting in a press conference earlier today , “Yes, we’re woke.” For those out of the loop, “woke” is a term rooted in Black American culture that refers to a […]

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