NFL Controversies

Harrison Butker And Coach Tomlin

Breaking: Coach Tomlin Vows to Leave NFL If Harrison Butker is Fired, “He’s Like A Son To Me”

In an unprecedented show of solidarity, Mike Tomlin, the esteemed head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, has made a bold declaration that could shake the foundations of the NFL. Amidst the swirling controversy surrounding Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, Tomlin has stated unequivocally that he would resign from his position if the league decides […]

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Colin Kaepernick Jets Sneak
Featured Hollywood Satire

Colin Kaepernick Caught Sneaking into Jets’ Stadium, Gets Kicked Out Immediately

In the unpredictable world of sports, surprises are not uncommon, but few could have foreseen the peculiar turn of events when Colin Kaepernick arrived at the Jets’ stadium, suited and booted, only to face an immediate and unexpected expulsion. The story of his uninvited entrance and rapid exit raises questions about the dynamics between athletes […]

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Featured Hollywood Satire

BREAKING: Mike Tomlin Just Fired Two Players After They Knelt During National Anthem

In what can only be described as the most “2023” move ever, Pittsburgh Steelers’ coach Mike Tomlin apparently made good on his earlier threats. Shortly after two of his players knelt during the national anthem, they were handed their walking papers. But in a whimsical twist, rumors abound that he’s considering two llamas as their […]

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Elway Kneeling
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: John Elway Bans Anthem Kneeling, Says ‘Kneel On My Field Ad You’re Fired On The Spot’

In an unexpected twist in the world of NFL controversies, Denver Broncos’ executive John Elway has released a jaw-dropping mandate : “Kneel on my field, and you’re fired on the spot.” But rumor has it, there’s a secret codicil that’s been whispered among players: While kneeling might be out, tap dancing during timeouts could be the […]

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