Political Satire

ABC Tucker Carlson Show

Breaking: ABC Signs A $400 Million Deal With Tucker Carlson For A Late-Night Show, “Going to Replace Jimmy Kimmel Show”

In an unexpected move that has left media enthusiasts and political pundits buzzing, ABC has reportedly signed a $400 million deal with Tucker Carlson, the former Fox News host, to headline a new late-night show. This new program is set to replace “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” which has been a fixture of ABC’s late-night lineup for […]

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Roseanne Barr Trump Rally

Breaking: Roseanne Barr Blames Antifa for Trump Rally Scare, Proposes Building Wall Around Stages

In a move that surprised absolutely no one who’s been paying attention, Roseanne Barr has decided to insert herself into the latest political fray, blaming Antifa for the recent scare at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania and proposing the construction of a wall around stages at all future Trump events. The former sitcom star and […]

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Lia Thomas Candace Owens Sh
Featured Satire

“Take Your Wokeness With You”: Candace Owens Throws Lia Thomas Out Of The View Set

In a turn of events that left viewers of “The View” both bewildered and amused, Candace Owens, the newest co-host replacing Whoopi Goldberg, took a stand against what she called “extreme wokeness” by theatrically ejecting Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer, from the show’s set. The episode, which critics are already calling a mix between a […]

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Mike Tomlin James Lebron

“Go To China”: Mike Tomlin Schools America-Hating James Lebron

In a stunning turn of events that has rocked the nation, Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin delivered a scathing, satirical rebuke to NBA superstar James Lebron during a recent press conference. The comment, “Go to China,” was not just a geographical suggestion but a masterclass in irony and rhetorical flair. The sporting world, known […]

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