Media Satire

Lia Thomas Candace Owens Sh
Featured Satire

“Take Your Wokeness With You”: Candace Owens Throws Lia Thomas Out Of The View Set

In a turn of events that left viewers of “The View” both bewildered and amused, Candace Owens, the newest co-host replacing Whoopi Goldberg, took a stand against what she called “extreme wokeness” by theatrically ejecting Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer, from the show’s set. The episode, which critics are already calling a mix between a […]

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Megan Rapinoe Riley Gaines
Featured Hollywood Satire

TRUE: Riley Gaines Snatches “Woman of the Year” Title from Megan Rapinoe

In a riveting turn of events that has left the world of sports and celebrity gawking in disbelief, Megan Rapinoe’s once-pristine reputation has suffered a splashy nosedive as the emerging swimming sensation Riley Gaines snatched the much-coveted title of ‘Woman of the Year’. The unforeseen upset has set tongues wagging and social media abuzz, sparking […]

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